7 Important Reasons To Consider Robotics Education For Kids
Children’s education is one of the most critical concerns in society.
Providing the best education system for children is a primary job of a government in a country; additionally, the parents play an essential role in children’s education decision-making.
The robotics education has been growing over the past few decades. This article will elaborate on the seven reasons kids should know about robotics.
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1. It's suitable for kids
As a generation, we’re more interconnected than ever. But look down the line a little bit, and you’ll see that some of the biggest challenges our society will face have to do with working together: from improving government efficiency to combating climate change to building better health care solutions.
These challenges require the cooperation of multiple people, organizations, and entities. So if we want our kids to be able to tackle these problems as adults, we need them to learn how to work together at an early age—which is why robotics education is so important.
The field of robotics has been growing rapidly over the past few decades, and it’s expected that there will be plenty of jobs available for those who are well-versed in the subject by 2030.
By learning advanced coding skills or electronic circuits starting in middle school, students can gain an edge over their peers by taking advantage of these opportunities early on in their careers—and they’ll be far ahead when it comes time for college too!
The earlier children learn about robotics, the more prepared they will be for this future job market—and luckily, robotic kits are getting easier and cheaper all the time. Robots are no longer just something fun for hobbyists; they’re now practical tools that can help us solve some genuine problems!
2. It helps a lot of cognitive development
What does it mean to think? Sure, we all do it every day, but what is thinking? If you asked a neuroscientist, they’d describe it as “a process of change in thoughts.” This definition might be helpful if you’re trying to win a game show, but most of us are interested in how this process manifests itself in our daily lives.
In the case of cognitive development, which refers to learning how to think and apply that knowledge to specific topics or situations, later on, understanding robotics can help kids achieve this goal.
By building and programming a robot (or any machine), children will develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and multidisciplinary thinking skills that prove helpful throughout life. In particular, robotics encourages these skills because it allows for constant change and adaptation; subjects must constantly troubleshoot issues they encounter while trying to complete tasks or solve problems with their robots.
A child who has built a robot can use those same problem-solving skills later in life if something malfunctions at their job or encounters an obstacle on their way home from school.
Thinking critically about problems opens up many doors later in life when dealing with professional matters like new developments at work or when you need to go through your finances with your accountant during tax season.
Multidisciplinary thinking also helps children connect various concepts they may not have conceived before. For example, someone who is familiar with the idea of coding can easily recall the basic principles when hearing about quantum mechanics; instead of getting frustrated by quantum mechanics’ seemingly bizarre properties (such as particles being able to understand each other’s state over vast distances) the person can recall programming’s concept of remote procedure calls (RPC) and realize that this might be a similar phenomenon occurring here.
As a result, this person would probably be more likely to continue studying quantum mechanics than someone who hadn’t encountered code before.
3.Everybody is learning the same thing.
As a robotics teacher, I’ve seen firsthand how hard it can be to get kids to work together and how easy it is for them to give up. However, one kid will rarely do everything on his own; they almost always progress better when working with peers.
What I mean by that is that the other kids in their class are there to help them, whether by lending a hand or giving encouragement. That’s what makes robotics such an excellent learning experience: The kids are learning technology and engineering concepts and valuable social skills like collaboration and communication.
4.It teaches cooperation, not competition.
It’s tempting to think of robotics as preparation for the workplace, and it certainly can be. But in addition, it also offers an excellent opportunity to teach kids exactly what they need to succeed in that environment: teamwork.
Let’s define “teamwork,” in simple words; “putting the brains together” that makes a good team great. It means understanding that you don’t have all the answers and synthesizing skill sets from different people around you.
This is hugely useful in any workplace situation—and cultivating these skills early will give your child a head starts when it comes to applying them in their adult life.
5.They will be prepared for the future.
Robotics is a growing field that students should be prepared to enter upon completing their education. The reason for this is simple: robotics is the future, and kids need to be ready for it.
Imagine a world where robots can do the work that humans either don’t want to or are incapable of doing. In this way, more humans could focus on art, medicine, and other creative endeavors.
Of course, this would require children to have minimal exposure to robotics in their schooling—to teach them how to build robots themselves instead of just using them once they’re made by someone else. Yes, there will always be a market for robots mainly used for entertainment purposes—think R2-D2 or Wall-E—but those who can build their own will always have an advantage over those who cannot (or at least not as quickly).
Children must understand this fundamental concept early on to spend their later school years focused on developing skills that vary based upon individual interests instead of squandering time trying to learn how some contraption works or why it doesn’t respond as expected. Then, when they’re finally ready to enter the workforce after completing any necessary post-secondary schooling, they’ll already be ahead of everyone else, having done some essential work with electronics and learning how things work (and sometimes why your own designs don’t). And all thanks to robotics!
6.Robotics is fun!
If you’re like me, you love automatons and the idea of magic that they bring to life. But if you’re also like most people I know, you may have experienced frustration playing with robots and attempting to master them. And yet learning how to program a robot is both fun and empowering—something everyone should try at least once.
Using graphical programming makes it simple to tell a robot what to do without relying on code alone. Kids especially love this; I’d bet my considerable supply of Sour Patch Watermelons that kids enjoy setting up a program more than writing one from scratch (although there’s nothing wrong with doing it the hard way).
This is hugely useful in any workplace situation—and cultivating these skills early will give your child a head starts when it comes to applying them in their adult life.
7.Robotics is a growing field, and knowing it will benefit kids in the future.
In the near future, robots will teleport to the moon and back. They’ll have to do a lot of those teleports because they’ll be doing everything around the house: cleaning the floor, making your breakfast, getting you more toothpaste from the store while you’re on vacation.
What are these robots going to use as their operating systems? Machine language? That’s kind of a joke—they aren’t going to learn machine languages in elementary school. These robots need children who know how to code and understand how computers work.
Because coding is an art form that can be used for many things beyond just robotics. It could improve anything from music to math scores.
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